
Alkitab Online Kristiani Indonesia

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- 4 -
Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
4:1 - 5:13 = Korban penghapus dosa
(1) TUHAN berfirman kepada Musa:
(1) 여호와께서 모세에게 말씀하셨습니다.
(1) {The Law of Sin Offerings}Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying,
(2) Katakanlah kepada orang Israel: Apabila seseorang tidak dengan sengaja berbuat dosa dalam sesuatu hal yang dilarang TUHAN dan ia memang melakukan salah satu dari padanya,
(2) “이스라엘 백성에게 전하여라. ‘누구든지 실수로 여호와께서 하지 말라고 하신 일을 하나라도 해서 죄를 지었으면 이렇게 하여라.
(2) "Speak to the children of Israel, 'If a person sins unintentionally in any of the things which the LORD has commanded not to be done, and commits any of them—
(3) maka jikalau yang berbuat dosa itu imam yang diurapi, sehingga bangsanya turut bersalah, haruslah ia mempersembahkan kepada TUHAN karena dosa yang telah diperbuatnya itu, seekor lembu jantan muda yang tidak bercela sebagai korban penghapus dosa.
(3) 만약 죄를 지은 사람이 거룩히 구별된 제사장이면, 그는 백성에게 재앙이 돌아가게 한 것이므로, 그 죄를 위해 흠 없는 수송아지를 속죄 제물로 삼아 여호와께 바쳐야 한다.
(3) if the anointed priest sins, bringing guilt on the people, then he shall offer to the LORD a young bull without blemish as a sin offering for the sin he has committed.
(4) Ia harus membawa lembu itu ke pintu Kemah Pertemuan, ke hadapan TUHAN, lalu ia harus meletakkan tangannya ke atas kepala lembu itu, dan menyembelih lembu itu di hadapan TUHAN.
(4) 그는 수송아지를 회막 입구, 곧 여호와 앞으로 가져가서 그 수송아지의 머리에 손을 얹고 여호와 앞에서 잡아라.
(4) He shall bring the bull to the doorway of the Tent of Meeting before the LORD, and shall lay his hand on the bull's head [transferring symbolically his guilt to the sacrifice] and kill the bull before the LORD.
(5) Imam yang diurapi itu harus mengambil sebagian dari darah lembu itu, lalu membawanya ke dalam Kemah Pertemuan.
(5) 그리고 거룩히 구별된 제사장은 수송아지의 피 가운데서 얼마를 회막으로 가져가거라.
(5) Then the anointed priest is to take some of the bull's blood and bring it into the Tent of Meeting;
(6) Imam harus mencelupkan jarinya ke dalam darah itu, dan memercikkan sedikit dari darah itu, tujuh kali di hadapan TUHAN, di depan tabir penyekat tempat kudus.
(6) 제사장은 손가락으로 피를 찍은 다음, 성소 앞에 친 휘장 앞, 곧 여호와 앞에서 일곱 번 뿌려라.
(6) and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood and sprinkle some of it seven times before the LORD in front of the veil (curtain) of the sanctuary.
(7) Kemudian imam itu harus membubuh sedikit dari darah itu pada tanduk-tanduk mezbah pembakaran ukupan dari wangi-wangian, yang ada di hadapan TUHAN di dalam Kemah Pertemuan, dan semua darah selebihnya harus dicurahkannya kepada bagian bawah mezbah korban bakaran yang di depan pintu Kemah Pertemuan.
(7) 또 그 피의 얼마를 취하여 향을 피우는 제단 뿔에도 발라라. 그 제단은 회막 안, 곧 여호와 앞에 있다. 그런 다음에 제사장은 나머지 피를 회막 입구에 있는 번제단 아래에 쏟아라.
(7) The priest shall also put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of fragrant incense which is before the LORD in the Tent of Meeting. All the rest of the blood of the bull he shall pour out at the base of the altar of the burnt offering which is at the doorway of the Tent of Meeting.
(8) Segala lemak lembu jantan korban penghapus dosa itu harus dikhususkannya dari lembu itu, yakni lemak yang menyelubungi isi perut dan segala lemak yang melekat pada isi perut itu,
(8) 제사장은 속죄 제물로 바치는 수송아지에서 기름을 다 떼어 내어라. 곧 내장을 덮고 있는 기름과 내장 주변에 있는 모든 기름을 떼어 내고,
(8) He shall remove all the fat from the bull of the sin offering—the fat that covers the entrails, and all the fat which is on the entrails,
(9) dan lagi kedua buah pinggang dan lemak yang melekat padanya, yang ada pada pinggang, dan umbai hati yang harus dipisahkannya beserta buah pinggang itu,
(9) 두 콩팥과 그 둘레에 있는 허리 부분의 기름과, 콩팥과 함께 떼어 내야 할 간의 껍질 부분을 떼어 내어라.
(9) and the two kidneys with the fat that is on them at the loins, and the lobe of the liver, which he shall remove with the kidneys
(10) sama seperti yang dikhususkan dari lembu korban keselamatan. Imam harus membakar semuanya di atas mezbah korban bakaran.
(10) 마치 화목 제물로 바치는 소에서 기름을 떼어 내듯이 하여라. 그리고 나서 제사장은 그것들을 번제단 위에서 태워라.
(10) (just as these are removed from the ox of the sacrifice of peace offerings), and the priest is to offer them up in smoke on the altar of burnt offering.
(11) Adapun kulit lembu jantan itu dan segala dagingnya, beserta kepala dan betisnya dan isi perutnya dan kotorannya,
(11) 하지만 수송아지의 가죽과 고기와 머리와 다리와 내장과 똥,
(11) But the hide of the bull and all its meat, with its head, its legs, its entrails, and its refuse,
(12) jadi lembu jantan itu seluruhnya harus dibawanya ke luar perkemahan, ke suatu tempat yang tahir, ke tempat pembuangan abu, dan lembu itu harus dibakarnya sampai habis di atas kayu api di tempat pembuangan abu.
(12) 곧 수송아지의 나머지 모든 부분은 제사장이 진 밖의 깨끗한 곳, 곧 재를 버리는 곳으로 가져가서 장작불 위에서 태워라.
(12) that is, all the rest of the bull, he is to bring outside the camp to a clean place where the ashes are poured out, and burn it on a fire of wood. Where the ashes are poured out it shall be burned.
(13) Jikalau yang berbuat dosa dengan tak sengaja itu segenap umat Israel, dan jemaah tidak menyadarinya, sehingga mereka melakukan salah satu hal yang dilarang TUHAN, dan mereka bersalah,
(13) 만약 이스라엘 온 무리가 실수로 여호와께서 하지 말라고 하신 일을 하나라도 해서 죄를 지었는데, 그 사실을 모르고 있다가
(13) 'Now if the whole congregation of Israel sins unintentionally, and the matter escapes the notice of the assembly, and they have done any one of the things which the LORD has commanded not to be done, and they become guilty;
(14) maka apabila dosa yang diperbuat mereka itu ketahuan, haruslah jemaah itu mempersembahkan seekor lembu jantan yang muda sebagai korban penghapus dosa. Lembu itu harus dibawa mereka ke depan Kemah Pertemuan.
(14) 죄를 지은 사실을 알게 되었으면, 그들은 수송아지 한 마리를 바쳐야 한다. 그것은 모든 무리를 위해서 바치는 속죄 제물이다. 그들이 수송아지를 회막으로 가져가면,
(14) when the sin which they have committed becomes known, then the congregation shall offer a young bull of the herd as a sin offering and bring it before the Tent of Meeting.
(15) Lalu para tua-tua umat itu harus meletakkan tangan mereka di atas kepala lembu jantan itu di hadapan TUHAN, dan lembu itu harus disembelih di hadapan TUHAN.
(15) 장로들은 여호와 앞에서 수송아지의 머리에 손을 얹고, 여호와 앞에서 수송아지를 잡아라.
(15) Then the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands on the head of the bull before the LORD [to transfer symbolically the congregation's guilt to the sacrifice], and they shall kill the bull before the LORD.
(16) Imam yang diurapi harus membawa sebagian dari darah lembu itu ke dalam Kemah Pertemuan.
(16) 그러면 거룩히 구별된 제사장이 수송아지의 피 가운데서 얼마를 회막으로 가져가거라.
(16) The anointed priest is to bring some of the bull's blood to the Tent of Meeting,
(17) Imam harus mencelupkan jarinya ke dalam darah itu dan memercikkannya tujuh kali di hadapan TUHAN, di depan tabir.
(17) 제사장은 손가락으로 피를 찍은 다음에 휘장 앞, 곧 여호와 앞에서 일곱 번 뿌려라.
(17) and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle it seven times before the LORD, in front of the veil [which screens off the Holy of Holies and the ark of the covenant].
(18) Kemudian dari darah itu harus dibubuhnya sedikit pada tanduk-tanduk mezbah yang di hadapan TUHAN di dalam Kemah Pertemuan, dan semua darah selebihnya harus dicurahkannya kepada bagian bawah mezbah korban bakaran yang di depan pintu Kemah Pertemuan.
(18) 또 그 피의 얼마를 취하여 향을 피우는 제단 뿔에도 발라라. 그 제단은 회막 안, 곧 여호와 앞에 있다. 그리고 나머지 피는 회막 입구에 있는 번제물의 제단 아래에 쏟아라.
(18) He shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar [of incense] which is before the LORD in the Tent of Meeting; and he shall pour out all the rest of the blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering which is at the doorway of the Tent of Meeting.
(19) Segala lemak harus dikhususkannya dari lembu itu dan dibakarnya di atas mezbah.
(19) 제사장은 수송아지에서 기름을 다 떼어 내어, 그것을 제단 위에서 태워라.
(19) He shall remove all its fat from the bull and offer it up in smoke on the altar.
(20) Beginilah harus diperbuatnya dengan lembu jantan itu: seperti yang diperbuatnya dengan lembu jantan korban penghapus dosa, demikianlah harus diperbuatnya dengan lembu itu. Dengan demikian imam itu mengadakan pendamaian bagi mereka, sehingga mereka menerima pengampunan.
(20) 마치 속죄 제물로 바친 수송아지에게 한 것처럼 하여라. 그 송아지에게 한 것과 똑같이 하여라. 그렇게 해서 제사장은 백성의 죄를 씻는 예식을 행하여라. 그러면 그들은 용서를 받을 것이다.
(20) He shall also do with the bull just as he did with the bull of the sin offering; that is what he shall do with this. So the priest shall make atonement for [the sin of] the people, and they will be forgiven.
(21) Dan haruslah ia membawa lembu jantan itu ke luar perkemahan, lalu membakarnya sampai habis seperti ia membakar habis lembu jantan yang pertama. Itulah korban penghapus dosa untuk jemaah.
(21) 그런 다음에 제사장은 수송아지를 진 밖으로 데려가서 태워라. 처음 송아지에게 했던 것과 같이 하여라. 이것이 모든 무리의 죄를 씻는 속죄제이다.
(21) Then the priest is to bring the bull outside the camp and burn it as he burned the first bull; it is the sin offering for the congregation.
(22) Jikalau yang berbuat dosa itu seorang pemuka yang tidak dengan sengaja melakukan salah satu hal yang dilarang TUHAN, Allahnya, sehingga ia bersalah,
(22) 만약 어떤 통치자가 실수로 하나님 여호와께서 하지 말라고 하신 일을 하나라도 해서 죄를 지었다가
(22) 'When a ruler or leader sins and unintentionally does any one of the things the LORD his God has commanded not to be done, and he becomes guilty,
(23) maka jikalau dosa yang telah diperbuatnya itu diberitahukan kepadanya, haruslah ia membawa sebagai persembahannya seekor kambing jantan yang tidak bercela.
(23) 자기가 죄를 지은 사실을 깨달았으면, 그는 흠 없는 숫염소를 가져와야 한다. 그것이 그의 속죄 제물이다.
(23) if his sin which he has committed is made known to him, he shall bring a goat, a male without blemish as his offering.
(24) Lalu haruslah ia meletakkan tangannya ke atas kepala kambing itu dan menyembelihnya di tempat yang biasa orang menyembelih korban bakaran di hadapan TUHAN; itulah korban penghapus dosa.
(24) 그 통치자는 숫염소의 머리에 손을 얹은 다음에 여호와 앞의 번제물을 잡는 곳에서 염소를 잡아라. 이것이 속죄 제물이다.
(24) He shall lay his hand on the head of the male goat [transferring symbolically his guilt to the sacrifice], and kill it in the place where they kill the burnt offering before the LORD; it is a sin offering.
(25) Kemudian haruslah imam mengambil dengan jarinya sedikit dari darah korban penghapus dosa itu, lalu membubuhnya pada tanduk-tanduk mezbah korban bakaran. Darah selebihnya haruslah dicurahkannya kepada bagian bawah mezbah korban bakaran.
(25) 제사장은 속죄 제물의 피 가운데서 얼마를 받아라. 그리고 그 피를 손가락으로 찍어 번제단의 뿔에 바르고, 나머지는 제단 아래에 쏟아라.
(25) Then the priest is to take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering; and the rest of its blood he shall pour out at the base of the altar of burnt offering.
(26) Tetapi segala lemak harus dibakarnya di atas mezbah, seperti juga lemak korban keselamatan. Dengan demikian imam mengadakan pendamaian bagi orang itu karena dosanya, sehingga ia menerima pengampunan.
(26) 숫염소의 기름을 모두 제단 위에서 태우되, 마치 화목 제물의 기름을 태우듯이 태워라. 그렇게 제사장이 통치자의 죄를 씻는 예식을 행하면, 그는 용서를 받을 것이다.
(26) And he shall offer all its fat up in smoke on the altar like the fat from the sacrifice of peace offerings; so the priest shall make atonement for him in regard to his sin, and he will be forgiven.
(27) Jikalau yang berbuat dosa dengan tak sengaja itu seorang dari rakyat jelata, dan ia melakukan salah satu hal yang dilarang TUHAN, sehingga ia bersalah,
(27) 만약 보통 사람 가운데서 한 사람이 실수로 하나님 여호와께서 하지 말라고 하신 일을 하나라도 해서 죄를 지었다가
(27) 'If anyone of the common people sins unintentionally by doing any of the things the LORD has commanded not to be done, and becomes guilty,
(28) maka jikalau dosa yang telah diperbuatnya itu diberitahukan kepadanya, haruslah ia membawa sebagai persembahannya karena dosa yang telah diperbuatnya itu seekor kambing betina yang tidak bercela.
(28) 자기가 죄를 지은 사실을 깨달았으면, 그는 흠 없는 암염소를 가져와야 한다. 그것이 그의 속죄 제물이다.
(28) if his sin which he has committed is made known to him, then he shall bring a goat, a female without blemish as his offering for the sin which he has committed.
(29) Lalu haruslah ia meletakkan tangannya ke atas kepala korban penghapus dosa dan menyembelih korban itu di tempat korban bakaran.
(29) 그 암염소의 머리에 손을 얹은 다음에 번제물을 잡는 곳에서 염소를 잡아라.
(29) He shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering [transferring symbolically his guilt to the sacrifice], and kill it at the place of the burnt offering.
(30) Kemudian imam harus mengambil dengan jarinya sedikit dari darah korban itu, lalu membubuhnya pada tanduk-tanduk mezbah korban bakaran. Semua darah selebihnya haruslah dicurahkannya kepada bagian bawah mezbah.
(30) 제사장은 그 피 가운데서 얼마를 받아라. 그리고 그 피를 손가락으로 찍은 다음에 번제단 뿔에 바르고, 나머지는 제단 아래에 쏟아라.
(30) The priest shall take some of its blood with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering and shall pour out all the rest of its blood at the base of the altar.
(31) Tetapi segala lemak haruslah dipisahkannya, seperti juga lemak korban keselamatan dipisahkan, lalu haruslah dibakar oleh imam di atas mezbah menjadi bau yang menyenangkan bagi TUHAN. Dengan demikian imam mengadakan pendamaian bagi orang itu sehingga ia menerima pengampunan.
(31) 제사장은 염소의 기름을 모두 떼어 내어라. 마치 화목 제물에서 기름을 떼어 내듯이 하여 그것을 제단 위에서 태워라. 그 냄새가 여호와를 기쁘시게 한다. 그렇게 해서 제사장이 그 사람의 죄를 씻는 예식을 행하면 그는 용서를 받을 것이다.
(31) Then he shall remove all its fat, just as the fat was removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings; and the priest shall offer it up in smoke on the altar as a sweet and soothing aroma to the LORD. In this way the priest shall make atonement for him, and he will be forgiven.
(32) Jika ia membawa seekor domba sebagai persembahannya menjadi korban penghapus dosa, haruslah ia membawa seekor betina yang tidak bercela.
(32) 만약 속죄 제물로 양을 바치려면 흠 없는 암양을 바쳐라.
(32) 'If he brings a lamb as his offering for a sin offering, he shall bring a female without blemish.
(33) Lalu haruslah ia meletakkan tangannya ke atas kepala korban penghapus dosa itu, dan menyembelihnya menjadi korban penghapus dosa di tempat yang biasa orang menyembelih korban bakaran.
(33) 제물을 바치는 사람은 양의 머리에 손을 얹은 다음에, 번제물을 잡는 곳에서 그 양을 잡아 속죄 제물로 삼아라.
(33) He shall lay his hand on the head of the sin offering [transferring symbolically his guilt to the sacrifice], and kill it as a sin offering in the place where they kill the burnt offering.
(34) Kemudian imam harus mengambil dengan jarinya sedikit dari darah korban penghapus dosa itu, lalu membubuhnya pada tanduk-tanduk mezbah korban bakaran. Semua darah selebihnya haruslah dicurahkannya kepada bagian bawah mezbah.
(34) 제사장은 속죄 제물의 피 가운데서 얼마를 받아, 그 피를 손가락으로 찍은 다음에 번제단의 뿔에 바르고, 나머지는 제단 아래에 쏟아라.
(34) The priest is to take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering and all the rest of the blood of the lamb he shall pour out at the base of the altar.
(35) Tetapi segala lemak haruslah dipisahkannya, seperti juga lemak domba korban keselamatan dipisahkan, lalu imam harus membakar semuanya itu di atas mezbah di atas segala korban api-apian TUHAN. Dengan demikian imam mengadakan pendamaian bagi orang itu karena dosa yang telah diperbuatnya, sehingga ia menerima pengampunan.
(35) 제사장은 양의 기름을 모두 떼어 내어라. 마치 화목 제물에서 기름을 떼어 내듯이 하여라. 그리고 나서 여호와께 불로 태워 바치는 화제물과 함께 제단 위에서 태워라. 이렇게 하여 제사장이 그 사람을 위해 죄를 씻는 예식을 행하면, 그가 용서를 받을 것이다.
(35) Then he shall remove all its fat, just as the fat of the lamb is removed from the sacrifice of the peace offerings, and the priest shall offer it up in smoke on the altar, on the offerings by fire to the LORD. In this way the priest shall make atonement for him in regard to the sin which he has committed, and he will be forgiven.
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