
Alkitab Online Kristiani Indonesia

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Alkitab (Bible)
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Ayub / Job / 욥기
- 26 -
Terjemahan Baru 1974
아가페 쉬운 성경 1994

[Bahasa Indonesia Sehari Hari 1985]
English Amplified 2015

[Versi Mudah Dibaca 2006]
26:1-14 = Jawab Ayub: Siapa dapat mengerti kebesaran Allah?
(1) Tetapi Ayub menjawab:
(1) 욥이 이렇게 대답했습니다.
(1) {Job Rebukes Bildad}But Job answered and said,
(2) Alangkah baiknya bantuanmu kepada yang tidak kuat, dan pertolonganmu kepada lengan yang tidak berdaya!
(2) “자네는, 힘 없는 사람을 잘 도와 주고 힘 없는 팔을 잘도 세워 주는군.
(2) "What a help you are to the weak (powerless)! How you have saved the arm that is without strength!
(3) Alangkah baiknya nasihatmu kepada orang yang tidak mempunyai hikmat, dan pengertian yang kauajarkan dengan limpahnya!
(3) 지혜 없는 자를 잘도 상담해 주며 통찰력을 제공해 주는군.
(3) "How you have counseled the one who has no wisdom! And how abundantly you have provided sound wisdom and helpful insight!
(4) Atas anjuran siapakah engkau mengucapkan perkataan-perkataan itu, dan gagasan siapakah yang kaunyatakan?
(4) 자네는 누구한테 그런 말을 들었나? 어떤 영이 자네를 통해 말하고 있는가?
(4) "To whom have you uttered [these] words? And whose spirit [inspired what] came forth from you?
(5) Roh-roh di bawah menggeletar, demikian juga air dan penghuninya.
(5) 죽은 자들은 성난 파도 앞에서처럼 그 거처에서 두려워 떨지.
(5) {The Greatness of God}"The spirits of the dead tremble Underneath the waters and their inhabitants.
(6) Dunia orang mati terbuka di hadapan Allah, tempat kebinasaanpun tidak ada tutupnya.
(6) 하나님 앞에서는 죽음도 드러나며 멸망도 숨길 수 없어.
(6) "Sheol (the nether world, the place of the dead) is naked before God, And Abaddon (the place of destruction) has no covering [from His eyes].
(7) Allah membentangkan utara di atas kekosongan, dan menggantungkan bumi pada kehampaan.
(7) 그분은 북쪽 하늘을 허공에 펼쳐 놓으시고, 지구를 공중에 매달아 놓으셨네.
(7) "It is He who spreads out the north over emptiness And hangs the earth on nothing.
(8) Ia membungkus air di dalam awan-Nya, namun awan itu tidak robek.
(8) 그는 물을 구름 속에 넣으시고 무게 때문에 구름이 터지지 않도록 하시며,
(8) "He wraps the waters in His clouds [which otherwise would spill on earth all at once], And the cloud does not burst under them.
(9) Ia menutupi pemandangan takhta-Nya, melingkupinya dengan awan-Nya.
(9) 구름으로 보름달을 가려서 희미하게 만드시는 분이지.
(9) "He covers the face of the full moon And spreads His cloud over it.
(10) Ia telah menarik garis pada permukaan air, sampai ujung perbatasan antara terang dan gelap;
(10) 빛과 어둠을 구분하도록 수면에 경계선을 그어 두셨네.
(10) "He has inscribed a circular limit (the horizon) on the face of the waters At the boundary between light and darkness.
(11) tiang-tiang langit bergoyang-goyang, tercengang-cengang oleh hardik-Nya.
(11) 그가 꾸짖으시니 하늘 기둥들이 흔들리고 두려워 떠네.
(11) "The pillars of the heavens tremble And are terrified at His rebuke.
(12) Ia telah meneduhkan laut dengan kuasa-Nya dan meremukkan Rahab dengan kebijaksanaan-Nya.
(12) 그의 권능으로 바다를 잠잠케 하시고, 지혜로써 괴물을 산산조각 내셨지.
(12) "He stirred up the sea by His power, And by His understanding He smashed [proud] Rahab.
(13) Oleh nafas-Nya langit menjadi cerah, tangan-Nya menembus ular yang tangkas.
(13) 그의 호흡으로 하늘이 맑게 개이고, 그의 손으로 날쌔게 움직이는 뱀을 찌르셨네.
(13) "By His breath the heavens are cleared; His hand has pierced the [swiftly] fleeing serpent.
(14) Sesungguhnya, semuanya itu hanya ujung-ujung jalan-Nya; betapa lembutnya bisikan yang kita dengar dari pada-Nya! Siapa dapat memahami guntur kuasa-Nya?"
(14) 보게나, 이런 것들은 그분이 하시는 일들의 시작일 뿐이야. 우리가 그분의 말씀을 얼마나 희미하게 듣는지. 그분의 힘 있는 천둥 소리를 누가 감히 이해할 수 있겠는가?”
(14) "Yet these are just the fringes of His ways [mere samples of His power], The faintest whisper of His voice! Who can contemplate the thunder of His [full] mighty power?"
Ayub / Job / 욥기
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